Monday, May 10, 2010

Fun in Freiburg

It's been raining almost non-stop in Freiburg for over a week now. You can imagine how nice that is when I have so little time left! I also had the misfortune of getting sick last week. You'd think the rain and sickness would keep me inside, especially in the finals period, but my flatmate asked me if I wanted to go on a quick bike ride around Freiburg yesterday and I of course said yes.

We ended up riding outside of the Freiburg city limits and having a ton of fun. We were riding directly into a storm cloud the whole time, but we wanted to explore the path by the river regardless. Our adventure included taking pictures from our bikes, meeting lots of nice cows, talking to some Germans who also braved the rain, going for a quick dip in the Dreisam, and eating ice cream in the rain. We were soaking wet by the time we got home, but it was so nice to take a break from studying and enjoy Freiburg with one of my favorite flatmates.

The Dreisam

Of course I'M the one who got soaked. Some Germans teased me and asked if I went fishing.

Mike in the ultimate staring contest

I come home a week from tomorrow. If I had the money, I'd stay in Germany longer, possibly forever. I've had the absolute best experience of my life here and I'm not ready for it to end. I'm going to enjoy this last week to the fullest, sick or not, and starting with Das Quiz tonight! Who cares about my two finals tomorrow, right?

Bis spaeter!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Liz,

    I can't believe you only have a week left! Sounds like you're making the most of every minute. I know it'll be hard to leave, and a readjustment to "normal". We'll be so happy when we get to see you and hear of more exploits! Good luck with finals. Have fun, and have a good trip home.

    Love you lots, Ann and family
