Thursday, March 18, 2010

Schӧnes Wochenende!

The weekend starts now! IES is giving us a much-welcomed three day weekend after lots of intense academic study. I was planning to go to Salzburg, but it turned out to be too expensive for the return train trip. New plan: day trip to Heidelberg tomorrow! It’s supposed to be one of the prettiest and most historically romantic cities in Germany. We’re getting a five-person discount train ticket and will be leaving early in the morning and coming back in the evening. I’ll take lots of pictures – can’t wait! Otherwise, some friends and I will be enjoying our lovely Freiburg and taking advantage of the beautiful weather. I believe our plans include procuring a Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte for a group dinner on Saturday night. Where better to eat Black Forest cherry cake than in the Black Forest?

Schӧnes Wochenende! (Literally: Beautiful weekend. Real meaning: Have a wonderful weekend.)


  1. Wow, sounds really great. I really want to visit there! Enjoy the cake, or should I say keksa?

  2. Have fun, and eat a little cake for me. And- please bring back one of those Belgian Waffles with chocolate, strawberries, and cream!!
