Sunday, June 6, 2010

More to come...

Sorry for my long absence. I'm not sure if anyone is reading this blog anymore, but I still plan to post something about politics. It has just been busier than normal lately - I ended up making a trip to Boston and starting my internship right after. It's going great so far!

My semester in Germany really made me think about a lot of things, but surprisingly, it made me think about American politics more than I ever have in my life (even though I'm majoring in politics at school). I need to get my thoughts properly formulated before I can do justice to everything I've been mulling over - if you're still interested, just trust I will write it soon! I'm currently reading some books and articles that are helping me figure things out, but I'll try to write the post as soon as possible even if I don't finish reading right away.

For now, here's the link to my most recent photo album. It sums up the spring and the end of the semester in beautiful Freiburg.

Bis spaeter!


  1. I'll be reading as long as you are blogging.

    Love, Grandma

  2. I love your blog, Liz.

    Enjoy your summer.

    Love, A. Susie
