Saturday, January 9, 2010

Drei Tagen

So, the countdown continues. I did some shopping today and got the rest of the professional clothing items that I need for the field trips. I hope I won't be overpacking, but it might be better than underpacking and having to buy stuff later. I dislike shopping and I think I will dislike it more when everything is priced in Euros.

I also shopped for my train ticket on the Deutsche Bahn website. I translated it into English to make sure I got the right ticket, but the translation was surprisingly poor. I took a risk and ordered a Sparpreise, which is some kind of budget ticket. The translation explaining the terms of the ticket was incomplete and filled with technical terms, so I really hope I didn't order some kind of seniors-only special or anything like that. The prospect of paying 40 Euros rather than 70 was just too tempting to pass up. I'm pretty sure the German train station employees won't buy the I'm-just-a-tourist card, so here's hoping my ticket is correct.

Tonight, I intend to create my master packing list and my budget. We'll see how that goes. I also need to finish this pesky internship application, but it's looking increasingly likely that I will not finish it before I leave. Depending on the movie selection quality on my 12-hour flight to Frankfurt, I may or may not work on the plane.



  1. Yeah, I really hope the train ticket is the accurate one! I bought a day pass for the U-Bahn while in Berlin this summer, and some undercover Polizeimann (or some U-Bahn worker, I couldn't tell) pulled me to the side and demanded that I show him my train pass. It turned out that I bought the wrong one, and they didn't buy the whole - I'm a student from the US, studying in Berlin for the summer "nonsense," and I was given a 40 EUR fine. Not fun. Some people in this world just do not have ANY compassion. I wanted to leave the country with the fine unpaid, but I did since I know how meticulous the German government is and I didn't want spies after me a year later (just kidding). Haha. But I'm hoping things will go smoothly for you. It seems like it will from your last post! :-)

    Vielen Glueck und, Bis dann!!!

  2. Meine kleine Nichte,
    Wie gehts? Wie ist das Wetter heute? Wann gehst du nach Deutschland? Bist du fertig mit dem Packen? Auf wiederhören...Deine Tante Ann.

  3. Hallo Kamarin und Ann!

    Kamarin: Es tut mir leid, dass die Polizei so streng waren! Sie sind umheimlich, aber ich denke, dass sie besser als die Stasi sind! Danke und bis dann!

    Mir geht es gut - und dir? Das Wetter ist OK, aber das Wetter in Frankfurt ist sehr kalt und es schneit sehr viel. Ich hoffe, dass mein Flugzeug landen kann. Ich muss noch packen! Ich liebe dich...bitte sagst du Hallo zu der Familie fuer mich. Du sprichst gute Deutsch!
