Thursday, January 14, 2010


This is just a quick update to say that I made it to Germany. Travel was average, but it was cool when at least three or four different Germans asked me for directions in German. I could answer and say I didn't know, but I was glad that I wasn't TOO obviously an American. The best part, though, was when the escalator broke and this German guy and I were just standing there in dismay with our heavy bags at the top of a long staircase. He just looked at me and said 'Scheisse' before we continued on our way. It put a smile on my face before the epic wait for the train.

The program is pretty awesome so far, although I don't have wireless in my room yet and I won't really be able to update this until I do. I'm living in a suite (or a 'flat') with like five other German guys - no girls and no one from my program. They seem nice, but not overwhelmingly friendly (shocker!). The people in my program are all pretty cool. I'll post a more detailed update when I can.


  1. Hi Liz.
    Yay!! I'm happy to see you have arrived safely in Germany. I hope you get wireless soon as I really like checking your blog. My first blog experience, by the way. Sounds like you have a bit of Germanic blood to be so quickly taken in by the locals! 5 male roommates? Can't wait for your Dad's reaction to that! How about Kiril's? :) Keep the news coming! Love you lots, Ann

  2. I wonder how your roommates get internet, at school?
